No, NATO Did Not Attack Russia

No, NATO Did Not Attack Russia
Mario Newfal - X

Preliminary reports indicate that “NATO” attacked 3 Russian airbases with large ballistic missiles. At least one of those airbases is reportedly in Lipetsk.  Videos circulating on X show a massive explosion with a mushroom cloud emerging. 

The report is still unconfirmed by major networks, but is trending on X with many somewhat-reliable sources posting about it. Some allege that the strike was carried out with a small nuclear weapon, while others claim that the strike appears to have hit a weapons depot which caused a secondary explosion.

The reports do not indicate from which NATO ally the attack came, or if there was a NATO agreement that the attack would be carried out. Though claiming that “NATO” is responsible does imply that it was a coordinated effort. 

An attack on one NATO ally, is an attack on all. Therefore a Russian retaliation could mean the United States being dragged into the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe. 

Upon reverse image searching a screen grab from the video, the Today Is America team discovered that several articles from days ago contained the same video, and asserted that Ukraine was responsible. 

The report was from at least 3 days before the majority of Twitter users claim that it was.