Rioters Lash Out Against DNC in Chicago

Rioters Lash Out Against DNC in Chicago

This year, at the DNC, convention insiders turned against the party, they rallied in the streets calling for revolution against their own party. Today Is America’s own Cam Higby witnessed several DNC delegates joining anti-Israel/anti-DNC protestors outside of the convention. 

The protestors on day one of the convention stormed the security perimeter, tearing down metal fencing installed outside of the United Center. 

On day two of the convention, things got violent. The protestors gathered outside of the Israeli consulate in Chicago and launched full frontal offensives on the police. 

They proceeded to break ranks and take over the streets of Chicago, cornering vehicles and forcing them away. The protestors insisted that both America and Israel were guilty of committing war crimes. 

Several arrests were made, but oftentimes arrests led simply to melees breaking out in the streets. Rioters become frustrated by arrests, emboldening them - however failing to make arrests seems to also have the same effect. Protestors when not arrested seem to feel comfortable in violent actions. 

Eventually, protestors were cornered at a Chicago cafe where they were systematically vetted and arrested by CPD. Shortly after the riot dispersed and those guilty of crimes were taken away in police vans. 

The third day was slightly more tame, it started in Chicago’s Union park - protestors marched down the street and were escorted by police. However, there was an incident at a local train station. 

Protestors began bolting into the station, and on to the train platform. A melee ensued between protestors and police, objects were thrown and the two groups wrestled on the platform. Objects were thrown and attacks were made. 

Eventually two girls were taken into custody by officers, and they were carried out of the building. 

Rioters quickly surrounded the train station from outdoors, banging on the bullring’s glass sides, and piling into its doors few police officers held their ground against the mob. 

Chicago police seemed to handle the situation rather well in most instances. Protestors were tactically dispersed, and strategically dealt with. Secret service was present at each of the protests, even the non-violent ones.